Living a healthy life with limited mobility

If you’ve started finding it more difficult to move around, you might struggle to live the healthy lifestyle that you have been used to. There are many factors that can cause limited mobility, such as arthritis, chronic diseases, and old age. It can be easy to feel defeated due to a lack of mobility, but the right nutrition and some exercises could be key to making your life a little more straightforward. So, what are the top ways of living healthily whilst having limited mobility?


A balanced diet is one of the key ways you can maintain a healthy lifestyle. With limited mobility, it’s common that people continue to eat the same amount of food but exercise less. This can lead to becoming overweight. To combat this, make a conscious effort to live a healthy life with a balanced diet. This could include:

Keeping an eye
on portion sizes

If you find exercising difficult, you could maintain a healthy weight through your diet alone. Keeping an eye on your portion size could help you do this, and many foods come with portion guidelines in the instructions. Even putting your food on a smaller plate could help you to regulate the size of your meals.


Many of us are guilty of not drinking enough water throughout the day. Keeping hydrated is incredibly important, not just for your nutrition but also for your balance. A steady intake of water can actually help prevent trips and slips, and is very beneficial for keeping your mind alert.

Reaching for
healthier options

A healthy diet can mean reaching for the more nutritional option. For example, you could buy wholegrain pasta instead of your usual choice, or brown seeded bread instead of white. Try to include at least one of your five a day in each meal and you’ll find yourself with a balanced diet in no time.

One of the benefits of private home care is that you can receive help and advice from a nutritionist to ensure you’re following a healthy diet. They may even suggest supplements to further give you what you need. Your care worker will also be able to support you with your limited mobility, preparing and cooking food on your behalf.


Although your mobility may be limited, it’s important to stay as physically active as possible. Doing some gentle exercises a few times a week, or every day if you can manage it, will strengthen your muscles and help your balance. This will make you less susceptible to falls. Frequent exercise is transformative for your mental and physical health, and you could even make improvements to your mobility through your perseverance.

Find tailored

If you struggle to motivate yourself to exercise, you could think about finding a class that’s tailored to people with limited mobility. This could help you stay active, widen your social circle, and allow you to benefit from regular exercise that takes your mobility into account. Even simple movements every day will be beneficial, promoting healthy circulation and building up your muscles.


Living a healthy life isn’t solely about your physical body – you should also take your mind into account. A healthy mind promotes a healthy body, and there are ways that you can take care of your mental health in order to achieve this.

Puzzles and
mind teasers

We know that most people throw a newspaper away without completing the crossword page at the back. However, crosswords, sudoku, and mind teasers are all beneficial for stimulating your brain and keeping your mind active.


As well as energising the mind, reading can also transport you to another world, providing a sense of escapism. This can be a great way to give your mind the exercise it needs in an enjoyable way.

Find new

Finding a new hobby can help you to focus your mind on something, especially if it takes practice. It’s never too late to start something, and a hobby can occupy your time and provide you with newfound happiness.


Maintaining relationships with friends and family is an excellent way to keep your mind active and boost your confidence. A healthy social life is simply the best way to lift your spirits.

If living healthily is something that’s becoming increasingly important to you, this can be one of the focuses of the personal care you receive from Verilife. Our passionate care workers are excellent at what they do, allowing you to remain independent whilst providing you with the support you need. Enquire today at or call 02031419290.

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