Home care after a hospital stay: What to expect

In the event that you have spent some time in the hospital, you may have found that your home care requirements have changed. A hospital stay can mean that you need some rehabilitation afterwards, meaning that your care worker may have to learn new ways to care for your condition. There are a number of ways that they can do this, helping you through your recovery and making sure you are as comfortable as possible. This will happen whilst maintaining your independence as much as possible.

The installation of extra equipment in your home

For the process of your recovery, you may need extra equipment installed in your home to make your life easier. This could be home modifications such as a stair lift, a raised toilet seat and assisting bars placed around the home for your stability. Your home care provider can ensure that these elements are installed in your home for when you arrive back from the hospital.

Create a new care plan including your new requirements

When you are discharged from the hospital, you may have been given advice from your doctor about how to change your care plan to cater for your recovery. This may include doing a range of physical exercises every day, or doing as much resting as you can. Your care provider can alter the type of care you receive during your recovery period to ensure these instructions are being followed, such as doing a higher amount of the cooking or helping you move around the home.

Increasing your care hours

If you are finding your recovery from your hospital stay tough and you find yourself requiring more assistance than before, you can change your care hours to receive more hours throughout the week. This will help you with the day to day chores and ensure that you aren’t putting yourself at more harm by trying to carry on by yourself, when excellent care is available!

Additional support with your medications

If you have a range of new medicines to take to aid your recovery process and rehabilitation, you may require nursing care. Care providers within nursing care have the experience and qualifications to be able to assist you with and handle your medications, ensuring they are taken properly and responsibly.

Additional companionship through a tricky period

Recovery from a hospital stay can sometimes be trying, and it can be hard to keep your mind positive. That’s where your care workers can help you, providing additional companionship and emotional support. Your care worker will be experienced in helping people overcome this period, and will do everything they can to ensure you are aided through this period compassionately.

At Verilife, our team of care workers are experienced at helping people through their recovery periods from a hospital stay. We provide compassionate services and offer the best care to ensure you are comfortable throughout this period. To discuss your changing requirements with our team, email us on on hello@verilife.co.uk or call 02031419290.

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